7 foods you should eat if you have vitamin B12 deficiency


7 foods you should eat if you have vitamin B12 deficiency

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<p>Consuming two eggs daily can help complete daily requirement of vitamin B12.<br />


Consuming two eggs daily can help complete daily requirement of vitamin B12.

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<p>Yogurt can also help fulfil the body’s vitamin B12 deficiency. <br />


Yogurt can also help fulfil the body’s vitamin B12 deficiency. 

Image credits: Getty
<p>Tofu is a rich source of protein and vitamin B12.<br />


Tofu is a rich source of protein and vitamin B12.

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Nori is a type of seaweed that contains significant amounts of vitamin B12. 

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Soy milk

One cup of soy milk can provide immense nutrition to the body. 

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Tuna fish is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

Image credits: pinterest


Cereals are also a good source of vitamin B12.

Image credits: pinterest

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