Lifestyle News

7 Remarkable Facts About the Old Nalanda University

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Nalanda University

Nalanda University was established in the 5th century in Bihar, India. It was one of the first residential universities in the world.  

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Subjects like astronomy, logic, grammar, medicine, and philosophy were taught at Nalanda University.

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Nalanda University was renowned for Buddhist studies. 

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Nalanda University boasted students from various Asian countries like China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, and Mongolia. 

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The library

The library in Nalanda University, known as Dharma Gunj, was renowned as one of the largest libraries of the ancient world. 

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Ancient university

 It is also recognized as one of India’s ancient universities. 

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Destroyed by

Nalanda University was destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khilji in the 12th century. 

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New Nalanda University

The construction of the new Nalanda University began in 2017. PM Modi inaugurated the campus on June 19, 2024.

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