How a farmer’s son built an empire worth Rs 23,000 crore

India Untold

How a farmer’s son built an empire worth Rs 23,000 crore

Success Story of Nirma

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<p>Karsanbhai Patel’s success story is remarkable in every sense. His father, working as a farmer, struggled to make the ends meet. <br />

Karsanbhai Patel, the founder of Nirma

Karsanbhai Patel’s success story is remarkable in every sense. His father, working as a farmer, struggled to make the ends meet. 

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<p>He secured a position as a technician in a government lab. However, driven by his desire to make it big, he left his government job. <br />

Karsanbhai Patel pursued his education in Chemistry

He secured a position as a technician in a government lab. However, driven by his desire to make it big, he left his government job. 

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<p>Karsanbhai Patel studied the markets. He learned that many people couldn’t afford to buy expensive detergent powder. <br />

Studying the markets

Karsanbhai Patel studied the markets. He learned that many people couldn’t afford to buy expensive detergent powder. 

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Introducing a new brand

Consequently, he introduced a low-cost detergent powder that catered to the needs of middle-class families. 

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Launching the company

Karsanbhai Patel took a loan of Rs 15,000 and embarked on his journey. He ran the business from a small space behind his house. 

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In memory of his daughter, Nirupama, Karsanbhai Patel named the company ‘Nirma.’

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Success of Nirma

In the initial days, he would sell the products door to door, using a bicycle. Gradually, his products gained popularity in the market. 

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A renowned billionaire

Today, Nirma is a popular and trusted brand in India. The company has a turnover of Rs 23,000 crore. Karsanbhai Patel also earned a spot in the Forbes 2024 list of billionaires.

Image credits: Social Media

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