7 Foods that boost collagen production for youthful glow


7 Foods that boost collagen production for youthful glow

Image credits: pinterest
<p>Citrus fruits like oranges, lime, and grapefruits are loaded with vitamin C, an essential element for collagen production in the body. </p>

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges, lime, and grapefruits are loaded with vitamin C, an essential element for collagen production in the body. 

Image credits: Pinterest
<p>Leafy vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients, fibre, and nitrates and enriches the body with all the essential elements required to produce collagen. </p>

Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are a powerhouse of nutrients, fibre, and nitrates and enriches the body with all the essential elements required to produce collagen. 

Image credits: pinterest
<p>Berries such as strawberries, mulberries, and blueberries are some of the best foods for collagen synthesis as they are rich in vitamin C which stimulates collagen production. </p>


Berries such as strawberries, mulberries, and blueberries are some of the best foods for collagen synthesis as they are rich in vitamin C which stimulates collagen production. 

Image credits: Pinterest


Avocado is a superfood rich in vitamin E and healthy fats that promote collagen synthesis and enhance facial elasticity. 

Image credits: Freepik

Nuts and seeds

Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and others are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which helps with collagen production and imparts a glow to the skin. 

Image credits: Freepik


A simple and versatile food, loaded with antioxidants like lycopene, which protect collagen from harmful UV rays and promote healthy skin and radiance. 

Image credits: pinterest


Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon reduces inflammation and promotes collagen production for healthy skin and hair. 

Image credits: Pinterest

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