A mother-daughter duo from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, has achieved impressive success with their venture. With an initial investment of only Rs 5,000, they have built a thriving business that now generates lakhs of rupees. S Haripriya and her mother, S Banu are are the founders of 'Extrokids,' a thriving toy-selling company. Today, they proudly receive over 15,000 orders every month.

Business ideas

The journey of starting this venture is quite fascinating. S Haripriya, a mother of two, often pondered how to teach children important subjects while keeping them entertained. In her quest, she realised that she wasn't alone; many other parents were seeking ways for their children to play and learn simultaneously. This insight sparked her idea for a toy business, leading her to collaborate with her mother.

Launching the business

It’s interesting to note that Haripriya launched the business with just Rs 5,000 from her home. However, the journey was not without its challenges. She encountered numerous difficulties, from sourcing creative toys to balancing her responsibilities as a mother. After much perseverance, she discovered valuable information about toys that promote hand-eye coordination and brain development. Initially, she sold books alongside the toys, but soon realised that concentrating solely on toys would lead to greater success for the business.

Collection of 500 toys

Initially, she introduced the toys to her own children, who responded positively, which significantly boosted her confidence. Encouraged by this success, she began compiling a list of such toys. Today, she boasts a collection of over 500 toys designed to entertain children while boosting their knowledge. To date, she has successfully fulfilled orders from more than 5 lakh customers.

Achieving success

Haripriya faced numerous challenges while establishing her business, including a period when she struggled to pay her employees' salaries. However, everything changed with one impactful video. She posted a video clip on social media featuring herself and her mother demonstrating how to play with creative toys, which garnered over 60,000 views. This became a turning point in her life. Now, she enjoys a monthly income of Rs 3 lakhs.