Mushroom farming at home: Start this business today and earn Rs 1 lakh per month

First Published Sep 7, 2024, 10:09 AM IST

Many people dream of starting a business and being financially secure. However, lack of investment and encouragement often leads them to settle for unsatisfying jobs. But there are some businesses that require low investment and can be done from home. Let's explore one such excellent business opportunity.

Doctors often highlight the health benefits of eating mushrooms. Although you can find them in stores, they aren’t always easy to get. Mushrooms are packed with nutrients, but they’re mainly available in big cities like Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Chennai, Mumbai, and Bangalore, and even then, they’re mostly sold in supermarkets and malls. Since they’re not widely available, there’s a high demand for them.

Myths Surrounding Mushrooms

There are about 200 types of mushrooms around the world, but only 10 are safe to eat. The rest are inedible and can be harmful. This has led some people to wrongly believe that mushrooms aren't healthy. In reality, doctors recommend eating mushrooms because they can boost your immune system and offer other health benefits.

Types of Mushrooms

Button Mushroom: This is the most common mushroom and is often just called "mushroom." Many people think this is the only kind you can eat, but there are other edible varieties, especially in colder countries.

Oyster Mushroom: These mushrooms grow quickly and are cheap to produce. They are popular, often dried, and used in cooking and medicine.

Shiitake Mushroom: Widely used in Asian cuisine and medicine, shiitake mushrooms are well-known for their health benefits.

Reishi Mushroom: Primarily used for its medicinal properties, the reishi mushroom is valued in traditional medicine.

Milky Mushroom: Found in warmer climates like South India, these mushrooms are nutritious and resemble wild mushrooms. They are becoming rare due to limited cultivation.

Button mushrooms are popular in India but prefer cooler climates. They are now sometimes grown in air-conditioned rooms, which can be costly. On the other hand, Milky mushrooms are easier and cheaper to grow at home. They thrive at temperatures of 30-35 degrees Celsius, making them ideal for indoor cultivation.

Requirements for Growing Milky Mushrooms

Materials Needed:
   - Paddy straw
   - Mushroom spawn or mycelium
   - Plastic bags
   - Trays

Prepare the Straw: Chop the paddy straw, soak it in a chemical solution, and then dry it.
Layer the Straw: Place the slightly damp straw in plastic bags, adding mushroom spawn between layers. Create five layers in each bag and seal them tightly to keep out the air.
Incubate: Store the bags in a dark, well-ventilated room for 21 days.
Light Exposure: After 21 days, move the bags to a well-lit area. Open the plastic bags and spread pasteurized soil on both sides of the straw.
Harvest: Milky mushrooms should start growing within 4-5 days.

Business Strategy

Given the high demand for mushrooms, there are several profitable avenues for selling them. You can supply to hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets or sell directly to consumers online by highlighting their health benefits. 

You can start a mushroom cultivation business with an investment as low as Rs 10,000 and scale it based on local demand. Currently, mushrooms are priced at around Rs 200 per kilogram in the market. Each mushroom bag costs about Rs 50 to prepare and produces 1-1.5 kilograms of mushrooms, offering a threefold return on your investment. With a monthly investment of Rs 30,000, you could potentially earn up to Rs 1 lakh in profit. 

The more you invest, the greater your potential earnings. For successful mushroom farming, proper training is essential. Seek advice from agricultural science centers or environmental organizations to maximize your yield. Mushroom farming is a promising option for those looking for high returns with minimal investment.

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