Every successful person has a journey along which they figure out the definition of success that defines their achievements. One such definition was shared by Marc Randolph, co-founder of Netflix and several other companies. 

He recently made a post on X (formerly Twitter) and shared his journey and his definition of success. He wrote, "I’m Marc Randolph, co-founder of Netflix & 6 other companies. This is my definition of success"



"I've worked hard, for my entire career, to keep my life balanced with my job. In my book, I write about my Tuesday date nights with my wife. For over thirty years, I had a hard cut-off on Tuesdays. Rain or shine, I left at exactly 5 pm and spent the evening with my best friend. We would go to a movie, have dinner, or just go window-shopping downtown together," he wrote. 

"Nothing got in the way of that. No meeting, no conference call, no last-minute questions or requests. If you had something to say to me on Tuesday afternoon at 4:55, you had better say it on the way to the parking lot. If there was a crisis, we are going to wrap it up by 5:00," he added. 

Marc believes in acquiring a healthy work-life balance to avoid getting burned out and losing interest in the work. "Those Tuesday nights kept me sane. And they put the rest of my work in perspective. I resolved a long time ago to not be one of those entrepreneurs on their 7th startup and their 7th wife," he wrote. 

"In fact, the thing I'm most proud of in my life is not the companies I started, it's the fact that I was able to start them while staying married to the same woman; having my kids grow up knowing me and (best as I can tell) liking me, and being able to spend time pursuing the other passions in my life," he added. 

Marc's definition of success is having a proper work-life balance to strive for success and spending more time with his family and loved ones as it also gives him the chance to follow his other passions. 

Marc concludes the post with, "That's my definition of success."