
Top 10 Countries by Road Network Size; India beats China and Russia

Image credits: freepik@ikaika

1. USA

Total length of roads- 70 lakh kilometre

Image credits: freepik@4045

2. India

Total length of roads- 67 lakh kilometre

Image credits: stockphoto

3. China

Total length of roads- 53 lakh kilometre

Image credits: freepik@4045

4. Brazil

Total length of roads- 20 lakh kilometre

Image credits: Getty

5. Russia

Total length of roads- 15 lakh kilometre

Image credits: Pinterest

6. Japan

Total length of roads- 12 lakh kilometre

Image credits: Getty

7. France

Total length of roads- 10 lakh kilometre

Image credits: Getty

8. Canada

Total length of roads- 10 lakh kilometre

Image credits: freepik

9. Australia

Total length of roads- 8.73 lakh kilometre

Image credits: Getty

10. Indonesia

Total length of roads- 8.50 lakh kilometre

Image credits: pexels

Source- ASU

Image credits: freepik@fanjianhua

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