Scientists found 7 Earth-like planets that can be our second home


Scientists found 7 Earth-like planets that can be our second home

Image credits: Twitter
<p>Gliese 667 Cc orbits a red dwarf star and is in the habitable zone. Scientists believe that it can be our second home as its size and orbit suggest a stable climate. </p>

Gliese 667 Cc

Gliese 667 Cc orbits a red dwarf star and is in the habitable zone. Scientists believe that it can be our second home as its size and orbit suggest a stable climate. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA
<p>Ross 128 b also orbits a red Edward star and is in the habitable zone. It's Earth-like characteristics and proximity make it an interesting planet to explore and future study. </p>

Ross 128 b

Ross 128 b also orbits a red Edward star and is in the habitable zone. It's Earth-like characteristics and proximity make it an interesting planet to explore and future study. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA
<p>HS 1140 b is around 40 light years away from us. It is a super-Earth and is located in the habitable zone. As per researchers, its size and composition could be compatible for us. </p>

HS 1140 b

HS 1140 b is around 40 light years away from us. It is a super-Earth and is located in the habitable zone. As per researchers, its size and composition could be compatible for us. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA


TRAPPIST-1d is one of the 7 planets that are orbiting a cool dwarf star. It is in the habitable zone and many scientists believe that it can also have liquid water like Earth. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA


Kepler-186f is an exoplanet and orbits a red dwarf star. It is in the habitable zone and has a similar size and composition to Earth's. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA


Also known as Earth's cousin, Kepler 452b orbits a star similar to the sun and sits in the habitable zone. Its size and composition are similar to Earth's. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

Proxima Centauri b

Proxima Centauri b is orbiting the closest star to our sun. It has similar conditions to Earth and has the possibility of liquid water on its surface. 

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

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