
Know about an Island with More Cats than Humans, situated in...

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The Cat Island

Tashirojima, a tiny island near Japan's northeast coast, is famous for having more cats than people. 

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The Legend of the Cat Shrine

Tashirojima, a small island near Japan's northeast coast, has more cats than people. Islanders adore cats and even built a Cat Shrine.

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Surviving Natural Disasters

Even after tough times like the 2011 tsunami, Tashirojima's special way of life stays strong, showing how close the people and cats are.

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Present-Day Tashirojima

Now, Tashirojima has about 100 cats and 50 people. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful walk on the 2-km road, meeting grooming cats and feeling the island's calmness.

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Exploring Tashirojima's Cat-Inspired Offerings

Aside from the cats, Tashirojima has special things to see. Visitors can find cat-themed art and enjoy the peaceful surroundings, making it a unique spot for cat lovers.

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Preserving Tashirojima's Legacy

Tashirojima keeps its special vibe by welcoming visitors responsibly and supporting community projects, ensuring its legacy lasts.

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