Labrador retrievers are extremely adorable and love to always stay active and play. They are extroverts and sometimes cause a little ruckus.
Pugs may be small but are super energetic and can be a lot to handle sometimes. They require a little training and then they can be great house pets.
Cocker Spaniels are adorable dogs with tons of energy. They can be prone to separation anxiety and get can destructive if left alone for long periods.
Beagles are curious dogs and sometimes can create a mess over a little scent or a noise.
These beautiful dogs love to be independent and can be hard to tame. Make sure you keep them engaged and stimulated otherwise they can get destructive.
These babies are natural hunters and can get a little aggressive and difficult to tame without proper training.
Dachshunds are small but can be headstrong and love to run around and find new adventures.