
Do you know when the First Ever Video Game was created?

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First video games

The first video games began with experimental projects like "Tennis for Two" (1958) and "OXO" (1952).

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"Pong" by Atari was the first commercially successful arcade game, sparking the video game industry.

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First home video game console

The Magnavox Odyssey, created by Ralph H. Baer, was the first home video game console.

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First computer-based video games

"Spacewar!", developed by Steve Russell at MIT, was one of the first computer-based video games.

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Video Game Culture Emerges (1970s)

The popularity of "Pong" led to the growth of video game arcades and a new gaming culture.

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Modern game design

Early games like "Pong" and "Spacewar!" influenced modern game design and technology.

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Today’s video games

Early video games set the stage for the development of sophisticated graphics and gameplay in today’s video games.

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