
Top 7 Sports that have been removed from the Olympics

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Cricket was part of the Olympics once, where two teams of eleven players each played a bat-and-ball game on a rectangular pitch.


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Solo Synchronized Swimming

This past Olympic event featured a single swimmer performing a choreographed routine in the water to music, judged on skill and grace.

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In past Olympics, lacrosse teams used sticks with nets to control and pass a small ball, aiming to score in the opponent's goal.


Image credits: Pixabay


Polo, once an Olympic sport, involved players on horseback using mallets to hit a ball into the opposing team’s goal on a large field.


Image credits: Pixabay


Previously an Olympic event, croquet had players using mallets to hit balls through hoops set in a grass court, aiming to complete the course.


Image credits: Pixabay

Rope Climbing

Previously an Olympic sport, rope climbing had athletes race to climb a vertical rope using only their hands and arms.

Image credits: Pixabay

Tug of War

Tug of War, once in the Olympics, involved two teams pulling on opposite ends of a rope, trying to drag the other team across a line.

Image credits: Pixabay
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