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Top 6 most spoken languages globally in 2024

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English is the global lingua franca, crucial in business, science, and diplomacy. With 1.5 billion native speakers, it’s also the dominant language online.


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Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language, and 1.1 billion native speakers speak it. Its unique script and tones make it significant in global communication.


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Hindi, with 609.5 million native speakers, is a major language in India. Its script and dialects enrich South Asian culture and Bollywood.


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Spanish, spoken by 559.1 million people, is an official language in 20 countries. Its melodious sound and cultural impact make it widely learned.

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French, with 309.8 million native speakers, is admired for its elegance and importance in global business. It’s a popular language for learners.


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Bengali, with 272.8 million native speakers, is the official language of Bangladesh and West Bengal. It’s known for its rich literary and artistic traditions.

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