Lifestyle News

The power of eating a handful of walnuts every day

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Omega-3 fatty acids

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease by improving cholesterol levels and supporting overall heart health.

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The antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts can support cognitive function and may help improve memory and brain health.

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Managing weight

Despite being calorie-dense, walnuts can help in weight management due to their high fibre content and healthy fats.

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Walnuts contain dietary fibre, which supports healthy digestion by promoting regular bowel movements and supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

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Anti-inflammatory compounds

Walnuts have anti-inflammatory compounds, including polyphenols, that can help reduce inflammation in the body and may reduce symptoms of inflammatory conditions.

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The nutrients in walnuts, including vitamins and minerals like magnesium and copper, play a crucial role in regulating metabolism.

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Improved health

The healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamins in walnuts contribute to skin health by boosting elasticity, and reducing signs of aging.

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