Lifestyle News

Mushrooms to almonds: 6 biotin-rich foods to boost hair growth

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1. Eggs

Egg yolks are a great source of biotin, making eggs a beneficial food for promoting hair growth.

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2. Spinach

Consuming spinach, which is packed with biotin and other essential vitamins and minerals, supports thicker hair growth.

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3. Mushroom

Including mushrooms, which are high in biotin, into your diet is beneficial for maintaining healthy hair.

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4. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes, rich in biotin, contribute to promoting thicker hair growth.

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5. Avocado

Avocados are high in biotin, making them excellent for promoting healthy hair.

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6. Almonds

Including almonds, which are a good source of biotin, into your diet benefits hair health.

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Always consult a health expert or nutritionist before making changes to your diet.

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