Lifestyle News

Is Gua Sha actually good for skin? Know benefits and more

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Gua Sha meaning

Gua Sha translates as scraping dirt from the surface. It is a traditional Chinese technique that uses a smooth-edged tool that scraps away dead skin cells and promotes glowy skin. 

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Improves blood circulation

Using Gua Sha improves blood circulation and promotes better absorption of oxygen and nutrients by skin cells. This enhances the skin's health and imparts healthy glow. 

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Prevents puffiness

Using Gua Sha regularly can help with reducing puffiness as it promotes lymphatic drainage. 

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Enhances collagen production

Consistent use of Gua Sha promotes collagen production and improves the elasticity of the face. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

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Better product absorption

Regular usage of Gua Sha and scraping action can enhance the product absorption of the skin. It makes the skin care products more effective. 

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Improves skin texture

Gua Sha usage can also help with improving skin texture. It can help with increasing the elasticity of the skin and reducing pore sizes. 

Image credits: Freepik
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