Lifestyle News

Heatwaves: 6 essential tips to manage diabetes in summers

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Drink Water

When you are exposed to heat throughout the summer, your body loses more water through sweat, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can also cause elevated blood sugar levels.


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Physical Activity

Exercise can help keep blood sugar levels under control. To stay active and escape the summer heat, try walking early in the morning and early in the morning.

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Avoid alcohol and caffeine

They have diuretics (a drug that stimulates the kidneys to secrete more water and purify urine). So, these drinks can cause water loss and blood sugar levels to rise.


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Regular Blood Sugar Check

During the summer, you should check your blood sugar regularly. Being outside in hot weather can cause palpitations and sweating, which can affect blood sugar levels.


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5. Keep a Healthy & Smart Diet

Oranges, grapefruit, raspberries, kiwi, avocado, peaches, plums, apples, watermelon, and blackberries are some fruits that can keep you full for a long period.

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Avoid Going out in the sun

It might come as a surprise, but sunburn tends to stress the body and elevate blood sugar levels.

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