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7 super smart ways to react to insults

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How to handle such situations

When someone insults, many people react aggressively or get depressed. Let's know how you should react in such situations.


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Face disrespectful behaviour with confidence. Clearly state why it is not acceptable to you and emphasize that you will not tolerate it.


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Speak clearly

You should say your point clearly with confidence. Utter every word and syllable with emphasis. Show that you are serious. However, do not use a condescending tone.

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Stay calm and restrained

Control your emotions during abusive behaviour. Show that you can handle the situation in a better way than the other person. 

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Express disappointment

Respectfully tell how their behaviour has disappointed you. Help them understand their poor behaviour. Do not react aggresively to someone's disrespectful remarks.

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Not reacting

Sometimes, choosing not to respond to someone's disrespectful remarks can be the most powerful way to make them realize how unacceptable their behaviour was.

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Give a chance to improve

Give the disrespectful person an opportunity to apologize and change their behaviour.

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Stay calm

Regardless of how the end result turns out, do not lose your composure. Remember that insults do not affect you in any way.

Image credits: Pexels
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