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7 skills that will make your resume stand out

Image credits: FREEPIK

Communication skills

How to get better: writing courses, active listening, public speaking practice, interaction with people from different backgrounds

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Leadership skills

How to get better: Get leadership roles, read books leadership and success

Image credits: FREEPIK

Technical skills

How to get better: Get certifications to improve your skills and highlight them on your resume

Image credits: FREEPIK

Net working skills

How to get better: Attend events, use online and reliable groups to connect with people

Image credits: FREEPIK

Critical thinking skills

How to get better: participate in debates, take critical thinking courses

Image credits: FREEPIK

Time management

How to get better: Set goals, use time management apps

Image credits: FREEPIK

Emotional intelligence

How to get better: Practice empathy and self-reflection

Image credits: FREEPIK
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