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7 powerful teachings of Lord Krishna to celebrate Janmashtami

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Power of Dharma (Duty)

Always do your duty honestly, no matter the outcome. Krishna showed the importance of fulfilling your responsibilities with integrity.

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Importance of detachment

Focus on your actions without worrying about the results. Krishna taught that we should not be attached to the outcomes of our efforts.

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Embrace every experience as a lesson

Learn from every experience, whether it’s good or bad. Krishna’s life teaches us that every event helps us grow and learn.

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Path of devotion (Bhakti Yoga)

Love and dedicate yourself to the divine with a pure heart. Krishna showed that deep devotion leads to spiritual fulfilment.

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Strength in self-realization

Understand that you are more than just your body and mind. Krishna taught that we are eternal souls beyond our physical form.

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Balance in life

Stay calm and balanced in both success and failure. Krishna encouraged maintaining inner peace regardless of life’s ups and downs.

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Value of compassion and forgiveness

Show kindness and forgive others to build better relationships. Krishna’s life was a model of compassion and forgiveness, helping to create harmony.

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