Lifestyle News

7 Animal with longer lifespans than human

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In captivity, some macaw species—like the Hyacinth macaw—can survive for fifty years or longer, often even longer than the normal human lifetime.

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Aldabra Giant Tortoise

These tortoises, which are native to the Aldabra Atoll, have a lifespan of more than 150 years, with some reaching 175 years old.

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Greenland Shark

This deep-sea shark is one of the longest-living animals, with an estimated 400 years to live.

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Certain tortoise species, such as the Galápagos tortoise, have been known to live up to 177 years, with longevity records exceeding 100 years.


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Bowhead Whale

The bowhead whale is renowned for having an amazing life expectancy—it can live up to 200 years. Some people are thought to be older than 211 years old.


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Koi Fish

These decorative fish have a lifespan of several decades. The oldest koi ever documented was 226 years old.

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Immortal Jellyfish

When a jellyfish reaches maturity, it possesses the unusual capacity to transform back into a juvenile, which may allow it to avoid death eternally.

Image credits: Freepik

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