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6 Tips to improve self-discipline

Image credits: Freepik

Have a routine

Oldest tip in the book but it works. Having a neat schedule with time allotted to tasks to follow gives you clear motives and helps you not get distracted. 

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Set precise goals

Always have clear goals and keep them realistic to avoid getting overwhelmed. Know your strengths and weaknesses and set goals accordingly. 

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Stay organised

Keep your workspace and surroundings organised and clutter-free. A clean and tidy workspace makes you more productive and focused. 

Image credits: Freepik

Set deadlines

Having deadlines for your tasks makes them a priority and creates a sense of urgency. 

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Try not to give in to temptations and distractions. Learn when to say no and try to distance yourself from things that take your attention away from your tasks.

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Reward yourself

Do not forget to reward yourself for your hard work and determination. Anytime you achieve a big milestone or complete a difficult task, make sure you celebrate it. 

Image credits: Freepik
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