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India Untold

From orphanage to CEO: Meet woman who earned Rs 5 daily, now runs...

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Meet Jyothi Reddy

Jyothi Reddy is the CEO of Key Software Solutions, Inc. Her journey from poverty to running a multimillion-dollar company is truly inspiring and reflects her hard work. 

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Early life

Jyothi was born in Telangana to a family of daily-wage laborers. Her father sent her to an orphanage due to money issues. She studied at govt school and was married off at 16. 

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By age 18, she was the mother of two daughters. She used to work in fields for Rs. 5 per day. She started teaching under a central government scheme, which changed her life. 

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To improve her financial situation, Jyothi earned a BA degree from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University along with a postgraduate degree from Kakatiya University in 1997. 

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Moving abroad

This was not enough to support a family. After relative's advice, she took a computer course and moved to the USA, where she did many odd jobs to survive and saved $40,000 by 2021.

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Starting her business

With the saved capital, Jyothi established Key Software Solutions, a software development company that is now worth over Rs 125 crore. 

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