
Quit India Movement: 7 Unknown facts about India's war on colonialism

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Quit Indian Movement

Mahatma Gandhi led 'Bharat Chodo Andolan' also known as 'August Kranti Movement' was a major moment in history. It is a symbol of India's unity and strength. 

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'Quit India' term

Ysusf Meher Ali coined the 'Quit India' term. He was a freedom fighter and a socialist leader who also served as the Mayor of Mumbai. 

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Launch of Quit India Movement

Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement after the failure of the Cripps Mission. It ignited the wave of 'Bharat Chodo', which was a command to Britishers by the Indians. 

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Do or Die speech

Mahatma Gandhi gave a moving speech in which he said 'Do or Die (Karo ya Maro). Mere hours after the speech, the entire leadership of the Indian National Congress was jailed. 

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Indian population protesting

After the arrest, Indians started protesting and firing up against the British government. People damaged railway lines, cut wires, and set government buildings on fire. 

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Britishers slapping fines

To stop the protest, Britishers slapped heavy fines on the citizens and even started firing on the masses. Public meetings and gatherings were also banned. 

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Over 60,000 people were imprisoned and hundreds of people lost their lives by the end of 1942 during the movement. 

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