
Mumbai Rain: Tips for Mumbai Residents to Prepare for Monsoon Season

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Check Drainage Systems

Make sure the drains around your home are clear of debris to prevent flooding or waterlogging.


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Stock Up on Essentials

Have non-perishable food items, bottled water, medicines, and emergency supplies ready.


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Secure Outdoor Items

Pack up or bring in outdoor furniture, plants, or equipment that could be blown over or damaged by high winds.


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Prepare for Power Outages

Keep flashlights, batteries, and a portable charger handy. Consider investing in a backup power source like a generator.

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Stay Informed

Checks weather updates and warnings from trusted sources. Be aware of evacuation routes and emergency centers in your area.


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Stay Safe Indoors and Out

Avoid walking or driving in flooded areas. When outdoors, stay away from swollen creeks, rivers and low-lying areas that are prone to flooding.

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Flood-proof Your Home

Upgrade electrical switches, appliances, and valuables. Use sandbags or barriers to divert water from poor access points.

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