Sasaki and Miyano is a heartwarming and comedic anime series based on the manga by Shō Harusono.
Komi Can't Communicate is a delightful and heartwarming anime series based on the manga written and illustrated by Tomohito Oda.
The Tatami Time Machine Blues, a sci-fi anime, is a visual and emotional feast for anime lovers.
My Roommate is a Cat is a heartwarming and charming anime series based on the manga written by Minatsuki and illustrated by As Futatsuya.
The story revolves around Tamako Kitashirakawa, a cheerful high school girl who helps her family run their mochi shop. She befriends a bird named Dera.
Sonny Boy is a thought-provoking and surreal anime series directed by Shingo Natsume and produced by Madhouse.