In Kanpur, a distressing incident unfolded when four minor students decided to skip school and go for a drive. The group consisted of two boys and two girls, all underage and without proper driving experience. They took a car and drove at a dangerously high speed, exceeding 100 km/h.

Their reckless driving quickly led to disaster. The young drivers lost control and collided with a scooter on the road. The impact was severe, causing grave harm to the scooter’s occupants. The scooter was carrying a mother and her daughter. Tragically, the mother died from the injuries sustained in the crash, while the daughter was left injured and in need of medical attention.

The community is incensed and alarmed by the incident. Many are troubled by the fact that such young individuals were not only driving without a license but were also speeding recklessly. The consequences of their actions have had devastating effects on an innocent family.

Authorities are now investigating the incident further. They are looking into how the minors managed to access the car and what legal actions can be taken against them and their guardians. This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of reckless driving and the serious consequences that can arise when individuals, especially minors, engage in such dangerous behavior. The community is left grieving and reflecting on how to prevent such incidents in the future.