A shocking video from Delhi has gone viral, revealing three traffic policemen engaging in bribery. The footage, captured by a CCTV camera, shows one of the officers accepting a bribe and then dividing the money among himself and his colleagues. The incident occurred on Saturday at a police checkpost in Gazipur, Thrill Lauri Circle.

In the video, one of the traffic policemen is seen arguing with a man who then places a bundle of cash on a table inside the checkpost. After the man leaves, the officer starts counting the money. Subsequently, the officer is shown splitting the cash between himself and the two other officers seated nearby. The video captures the three policemen smiling as they receive their shares, making it evident that they were complicit in the bribery.

The video quickly spread across social media, drawing significant public and official attention. In response to the viral footage, Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena announced that the three officers—two Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) and one head constable—had been suspended. Saxena confirmed that a preliminary investigation had been conducted, leading to the suspension of the officers, and a comprehensive departmental inquiry was underway to address the misconduct.

This incident has sparked outrage and calls for stricter measures to combat corruption within the police force. The Delhi Police are now under pressure to ensure accountability and restore public trust.