In today's digital age, the allure of becoming a prominent online figure is stronger than ever, promising fame, loyal followers, and potentially lucrative earnings. However, recent events have raised serious questions about the lengths people will go to achieve internet stardom.

A controversial video surfaced recently, sparking widespread criticism. It shows a woman creating a video reel while smoking and holding a child, who is seen coughing. The footage quickly went viral, drawing a sharp rebuke from social media influencers and activists alike.

Journalist and social activist Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj shared the video, expressing concern for the child's welfare amidst what she called "reel monsters" on social media.

Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj later revealed that the child in the video did not appear in any other posts by the woman. This prompted speculation that the child might not belong to her. In response, the woman claimed in a chat screenshot shared by Deepika that the child was her sister's, and she had been caring for the child due to illness.

Digital storyteller Neelesh Misra reposted the video, condemning the act of smoking while holding a baby as potentially criminal. His repost garnered significant attention, including calls for action from authorities like Priyank Kanoongo, the NCPCR Chairperson.

The video has amassed hundreds of thousands of views on social media, with many users expressing outrage at the child being exposed to cigarette smoke. A doctor emphasized the severe health risks posed to infants by secondhand smoke, including respiratory issues and developmental problems.

The incident has sparked a debate on responsible behavior on social media platforms and the protection of children's rights in the digital age. It serves as a stark reminder of the ethical boundaries that should guide online content creation, especially when it involves vulnerable individuals like young children.