A viral Instagram recipe transforms leftover rotis into a deep-fried dessert, but despite its popularity, it has been criticized as unhealthy and impractical.

In the ever-evolving world of culinary experiments, a recent Instagram sensation has taken the spotlight with a creative twist on leftover rotis. The recipe, which has racked up an impressive 68 million views, offers an intriguing approach to repurposing rotis by turning them into a deep-fried sugary dessert. However, while the video gained viral attention, it has not been universally embraced, with many netizens criticizing the dish for its health implications.

The preparation begins with a seemingly simple process: a roti is submerged in boiling oil and deep-fried until crisp. Once fried, the roti is crushed into small pieces and transferred to a blender. The goal here is to turn these crispy roti fragments into a fine powder. This powdered roti is then mixed with other ingredients to form a sweet paste. The mixture is spread onto a butter-paper-lined tray and allowed to cool.

As the dessert sets, it takes on a consistency similar to that of milk cake, eventually being cut into pieces ready for serving. Despite the innovative use of leftover rotis, the recipe has faced backlash from viewers who argue that it is unhealthy due to the deep-frying process and the high sugar content. Critics also point out that the preparation may not be the most practical or nutritious way to utilize leftover rotis.

The viral recipe highlights both the creativity and challenges inherent in transforming everyday ingredients into new culinary experiences. However, it also underscores the importance of considering health and practicality in food innovations.