Bengaluru: It pains us when we sit to write about how NRIs are targeted, reported and even in some cases made to lose jobs as they exercise their freedom of speech and expression. 

The sad part is how fellow Indians resort to such tactics and derive a sense of sadism as NRIs rot in foreign countries. 

Well, in our continued coverage of harassed NRIs who have exercised their freedom of speech and expression, we came across M Shahid Sheikh who tweets with the handle @MDshahidSHEIKH. 

He targeted a man by name Siddarth Rai who is in Dubai. The doxxer even gave out his personal information on twitter and sought his permission. 

Here is the tweet. 


Well, it is not just over! There was another retweet of his in which an online magazine owner is being reported. They have even sought the cancellation of his licence. 


In another retweet of his, it is reported that at least six Indians (expatriates) have landed in trouble for Islamophobic messages posted online, after they were brought to the attention of authorities, mostly in UAE, India’s third-largest trading partner & home to 3 million Indian citizens. 

He had even cited an article from Scroll magazine.  ( via @RohanV)  

Here is the tweet: 


No, what we are writing is certainly not communal nor an instigation. But what we are trying to say is how the lives of NRIs have become so susceptible to such doxxers. 

And as they are doxxed, they can end up losing jobs or being jailed or being deported back to India. With the mindless doxxing going around, there is rampant vilification and subjugation of the NRIs and are forced to go through hell. 

In fact, we have reported how people sitting in far-off countries don’t think twice before doxxing people in the Arab countries. 

Some have even made it a communal term by tagging these NRIs with RSS.