Aries: Six of Wands

Stay consistent with your efforts and keep your goals in mind. Positive changes are coming, especially in your career and love life. However, you might catch a cold.  
Auspicious Colour: Yellow  
Auspicious Number: 5  

Taurus: Queen of Swords

Some people might distance themselves from you due to your comments, but that’s okay. Issues causing mental stress will ease. For business, read documents carefully. Relationships may get another chance. Watch out for a sore throat.  
Auspicious Colour: Red  
Auspicious Number: 2  

Gemini: Four of Swords

Health issues might cause stress and negativity about the future. Don't let others' behaviour shake your confidence. Career progress continues, but relationship changes may cause stress. Lack of sleep could lead to stomach issues.  
Auspicious Colour: Blue  
Auspicious Number: 7  

Cancer: Two of Swords

Misunderstandings may arise from what you say. It’s time to address ignored issues and make decisions about family and property. For business, avoid rushing without full knowledge. Be cautious of misunderstandings in relationships. Watch your blood sugar levels.  
Auspicious Colour: Purple  
Auspicious Number: 1  

Leo: The Sun

Family disputes will gradually ease with the help of elders. Career and personal life may seem confusing. Avoid major relationship decisions while feeling mentally weak. Children’s health will improve.  
Auspicious Colour: Grey  
Auspicious Number: 2  

Virgo: The Devil

Support from friends will help you make significant decisions. Financial help can solve big issues. Stock market investors may benefit. Be careful not to let self-made problems affect relationships. Watch for physical weakness.  
Auspicious Colour: Green  
Auspicious Number: 9  

Libra: Five of Cups

Don’t dwell on missed opportunities; new ones will come. Be cautious of careless mistakes that could lead to losses. Government-related work might face false complaints. Relationship issues may increase, and depression could worsen.  
Auspicious Colour: Yellow  
Auspicious Number: 3  

Scorpio: Ace of Cups 

Most things will go well, though past fears might affect you. Handle responsibilities at work well to earn respect. Relationships might improve by meeting your partner’s expectations. Watch for issues like low blood pressure and sugar levels.  

Auspicious colour: Blue  
Auspicious Number: 5  

Sagittarius: The Hermit

Spend time alone to understand your thoughts. Change is possible with hard work. Career opportunities will arise. Work on personal growth and relationships. You might catch a cold.  
Auspicious Colour: Pink  
Auspicious Number: 4  

Capricorn: The Hanged Man

Being self-reliant will benefit your progress. Avoid changing principles due to dependence on others. Focus on work to overcome major issues. Relationship decisions may be challenging. Watch for swollen legs.  
Auspicious Colour: White  
Auspicious Number: 1  

Aquarius: King of Wands

Dedication to your goals will bring progress, but mental unrest might cause disappointment. The influence of career-related indecision will lessen. Changing views on relationships may affect your decisions. Stomach pain might be an issue.  
Auspicious Colour: White  
Auspicious Number: 3  

Pisces: Four of Cups

Overthinking might lead to self-created problems. Focus on the present to avoid trouble. Work-related delays could cause anxiety. Improving communication with your partner is key for relationship changes. Watch for body pain.  
Auspicious Colour: Green  
Auspicious Number: 5