In a bizarre and costly phenomenon, Kelly Knipes from England has found herself embroiled in a unique struggle with a sleep disorder that compels her to shop online while unconscious. According to reports from the New York Post, Ms. Knipes has amassed a staggering bill of over 3,000 pounds (Rs 3.2 lakh) on various purchases made during her nocturnal shopping sprees.

Ms. Knipes, who openly acknowledges her struggles with parasomnia, has unwittingly acquired a diverse array of items ranging from practical to peculiar. Notable purchases include a full-sized plastic basketball court complete with net, pole, and backboard, along with tins of paint, books, salt and pepper pots, a children’s playhouse, fridges, tables, and copious amounts of Haribo candies. While some items like the perishable food and paint tins couldn't be returned, Ms. Knipes opted to keep them after her children discovered them.

The consequences of her condition extend beyond unexpected deliveries. Ms. Knipes recounted a distressing incident where she inadvertently divulged personal financial details to scammers while asleep, resulting in a withdrawal of $317 from her bank account. She believes that her compromised information was subsequently sold, leading to further attempts to access her funds.

Despite facing financial setbacks, Ms. Knipes has taken measures to mitigate the impact, with her bank successfully blocking several unauthorized transactions. Nevertheless, she continues to contend with the ramifications of her parasomnia, a sleep disorder characterized by unconscious engagement in activities that would typically require conscious awareness.

Parasomnia, a broader category of sleep disorders, encompasses behaviors like sleepwalking and sleep eating, where individuals perform complex actions while asleep without conscious knowledge. While often benign, parasomnias can disrupt sleep patterns and pose challenges in daily life, particularly when they involve activities with significant consequences, as in Ms. Knipes' case.

As Ms. Knipes navigates her unique challenges, her story serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of sleep disorders and their potential impact on individuals' lives, highlighting the need for awareness and support in managing such conditions effectively.