Anulom Vilom is a revered practice in yoga and pranayama (breathing exercises). This simple yet powerful technique involves inhaling through one nostril, holding the breath, and exhaling through the other nostril. Regular practice of anulom vilom can help calm the mind and promote overall well-being.

How to perform Anulom Vilom

•    Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with your back straight.
•    Use your right thumb to close your right nostril.
•    Inhale deeply through your left nostril. Hold for a second, close your left nostril and exhale slowly through your right one.  
•    Then, inhale through your right nostril and exhale slowly through the left one. 
•    Continue this process for a set amount of time, starting with a few minutes each day.
•    Focus on your breathing and maintain a calm, relaxed posture.

Benefits of Anulom Vilom

Improves respiratory function

Regular practice of Anulom Vilom promotes lung capacity and strengthens respiratory muscles. It also helps in clearing nasal passages and improving oxygen intake. 


Anulom Vilom improves mental clarity and concentration. By calming the mind, it supports better focus and cognitive function. If you are struggling with stress and anxiety, you must practice anulom vilom daily for better health. 

Blood pressure

Anulom Vilom can help regulate blood pressure by reducing stress and promoting cardiovascular health. 


Anulom Vilom supports the immune system by promoting overall health and reducing stress. Lower stress levels will contribute to better health. 

Emotional well-being

Anulom Vilom helps in controlling emotions while promoting a balanced mental state. With regular practice, you will start noticing its benefits. It can also help improve the quality of sleep.