Consuming junk food is detrimental to health. Research shows that regularly eating high-calorie, sugary, and fatty junk food can harm brain function and behaviour. It may also impair memory. According to a study by University of Michigan, junk food has harmful effects on overall health, negatively impacting both the body and brain, including cognitive functions.

Junk food

Frequent consumption of fast food raises the risk of developing diabetes and can also increase the likelihood of dementia. Currently, a significant percentage of the global population struggles with obesity. This may increase the cases of type-2 diabetes in the coming years. Therefore, the junk food we consume poses significant risks to both physical and mental health.

Diseases linked to junk food

1) Obesity is a common condition associated with junk food, which, if left unchecked, can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure and stroke. It can also make walking difficult.

2) Eating junk food can lead to diabetes and negatively impact the respiratory system, putting extra strain on the lungs and potentially causing asthma.

3) Excessive salt and sugar in junk food can accelerate premature aging, reducing skin quality. This can result in dry, lifeless skin and a diminished glow due to nutritional deficiencies.