The risk of heart attacks has significantly increased in younger generations over the years. Symptoms such as chest pain are becoming more and more common. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, start your yoga journey today. Let’s discuss Trikonasana, also known as Triangle Pose, that helps improve heart health. 

How to practice Trikonasana properly:

•    Stand straight and take a deep breath. Bend a little to the right. Keep looking straight ahead. Spread your legs in a V shape.

•    Try to touch your right foot with your right hands. Keep your left hand raised towards the ceiling. Hold this position for a few seconds. 

•    Repeat the same process on the left side. 

•    You can comfortably perform 10-20 sets of this asana. 

•    If you experience discomfort, seek advice from an expert. 

Benefits of practicing Trikonasana

•    Regular practice of Trikonasana helps strengthen legs, arms, and chest muscles. 

•    This asana can be extremely beneficial for those with frequent back pain. 

•    Trikonasana can also help manage stress and anxiety levels. 

Benefits of Trikonasana for heart health

•    By reducing stress, Trikonasana improves blood circulation. 

•    The stretching involved in Trikonasana can also contribute to muscle flexibility.

•    Trikonasana supports overall cardiovascular well-being. 

If you have existing heart conditions, it is advisable to consult a doctor before practicing this asana.