The risk of fungal infections rises with humidity during the rainy season. It can affect people of all ages. Those prone to excessive sweating face more fungal issues. Fungi thrive on damp skin and moist environments. To help you prevent this issue, here are some tips to keep fungal infections at bay during the monsoon season.

How and why do fungal infections occur?

Fungal infections primarily result from poor hygiene practices. These infections can spread through shared items such as combs, soaps, towels, or clothing. Therefore, practicing self-care during the monsoon season is crucial.

Symptoms of fungal infection

Most fungal infections cause dryness of the skin and redness in the affected area. Small pimples may also appear, with mild swelling. These infections can also spread to other parts of the body, if not taken care of. 

How to prevent fungal infections 

To avoid fungal infections during the rainy season, keep your skin, especially underarms, dry. Keep toes and fingers dry as well. Use antifungal powder as part of your daily body care routine. Keep your soap separate and avoid wearing dirty clothes. If there is any sign of a fungal infection, consult a doctor promptly.

Home remedies for fungal infections

1. Garlic and Honey: Mix finely chopped garlic with honey and apply it to the affected area. Let it dry and then rinse off with water. Garlic and honey have antifungal properties.

2. Turmeric Paste: Mix turmeric in water to create a paste and apply it to the affected area. Turmeric is known for its medicinal properties that can help combat fungal infections.

However, for severe problems, it's important to consult a doctor promptly.