Waking up in the morning with a headache can ruin the whole day. To feel a little better, you end up taking a painkiller with the breakfast. If you have been experiencing headaches in the morning with the rising temperatures in India, it’s important to address the underlying causes. Taking a painkiller daily may not be healthy for your body. Let’s find out why you have been getting these annoying headaches and learn how to get rid of them. 

Causes of morning headaches in summer

1. Dehydration

Summer months require more hydration. If you don’t consume enough water in a day, your body will lose fluids without being replenished. After a night’s rest, dehydration can lead to headaches upon waking up in the morning.

2. Humidity

High temperature and humidity in the air can disrupt your sleep patterns. Perhaps you wake up several times in the middle of nights due to the hot temperatures; this may not be good for your body. Before going to sleep, ensure your room is properly ventilated. Use the air conditioning or water coolers to help maintain your body's temperature.

3. Caffeine and alcohol

It is essential to provide extra hydration to your body during summer months. Refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol as they can lead to dehydration. 

How to get rid of morning headaches

1. Hydration

Drink at least 2 litres of water daily. Start your day by drinking a glass of water to rehydrate your body after a night's rest. Throughout the day, consume plenty of fluids such as water, juices, electrolyte-rich drinks to maintain hydration levels. If possible, do not head out of home during the scorching afternoon heat. 

2. Fans and air conditioning

Maintain a cool environment at home. Use curtains to block the sunlight from entering your house. Use fans or air conditioning to keep your bedroom cool and comfortable. A cool environment will help you get proper sleep. 

3. Follow a sleep routine

Refrain from using mobile phones or laptops at least one hour before going to sleep. Excessive screen time can worsen headaches. To take care of eyes, use the 20-20-20 rule and use eyedrops two times a day. Reduce your alcohol and caffeine consumption and get a good 8 hours of undisturbed sleep. 

4. Meditate

Include physical activity in your daily routine. Reduce your work-related stress by meditating. Try deep breathing exercises to alleviate anxiety and tension.