Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is celebrating her 48th birthday today i.e., June 8. Her fans are pouring in lovely wishes for her. She is known for her healthy lifestyle and her dedication towards yoga and fitness. Yoga is an ideal way to include physical activity in your daily routine to stay healthy and fit. Let’s learn how to properly do Surya Namaskar.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1- Stand straight, fold your hands, and perform Pranayam.

Step 2- Hasta Uttanasana: Slowly raise your arms backward, inhale, and stretch your entire body backwards.

Step 3- Padahastasana: Bend forward while exhaling, keeping your spine straight. Place your hands on the ground near your feet. 

Step 4- Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Slowly inhale and extend your right leg backward, keeping the left leg in its position. 

Step 5- Dandasana: Stand straight, move your left leg backward, and keep your hands straight. 

Step 6- Ashtanga Namaskar: Exhale, rest your knees on the floor, arch your back, and let your chest and chin touch the ground. 

Step 7- Bhujangasana: Lift your body forward while exhaling, stretching your body. 

Step 8- Adho Mukha Svanasana: Exhale and lift your back upwards. 

Step 9- Ashwa Sanchalanasana: Slowly inhale and move your right leg backward, keeping the left leg in the same position. 

Step 10- Padahastasana: Exhale and bend forward.

Step 11- Hasta Uttanasana: Inhale while arching your spine upward. Raise your hands and move them backward. 

Step 12: Tadasana: Lower your hands while exhaling. Relax for a moment. 

Benefits of Surya Namaskar

•    Surya Namaskar strengthens the abdominal muscles, spinal cord, respiratory system, and internal organs. 
•    Perform Surya Namaskar daily to improve the flexibility of your body. It relaxes and strengthens spine, neck, shoulders, arms, and wrists. 
•    It energizes the body after practice.