A child throwing tantrums is a very normal behaviour. However, it can be overwhelming, at times, to constantly ask your child to calm down. Understanding why they show this behaviour, and employing some effective strategies can help you manage these difficult moments. Let’s explore some tips that can help you handle your child’s tantrums. 

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Staying calm

It's natural for parents to feel frustrated or embarrassed when their child throws a tantrum, but it is crucial to not lose your temper and remain calm. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that tantrums are a normal part of childhood development.

Understanding your child’s emotions

When your child feels frustrated, use phrases like ‘I understand that you're angry,’ or ‘It's okay to feel sad.’ Talk to them calmly, and then proceed to show them how to manage these overwhelming emotions. 

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Setting boundaries

It is important to allow your child to enjoy things they like. However, it is equally important to set clear boundaries and let them know what kind of behaviour is unacceptable. It may feel too much, but every time your child does something wrong, let them know how they should have handled the situation and give them the chance to correct their behaviour.

Different activities

If your child throws tantrums when you take away mobile phones from them, inform them about the harmful effects of constantly looking at the screens. Take them out for a walk and encourage them the take part in physical activities instead. Stay active yourself and show them why playing tennis is more fun than a video game.

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Giving rewards

When your child does something good, praise them for their good behaviour. This will help them understand why being good is right and throwing tantrums about things wrong. Moreover, help your child learn healthy ways to cope with difficult emotions. Teach them how to meditate and practice other calming exercises.

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