Bipin Hadwani, starting with a Rs 4500 loan, built Gopal Snacks into a Rs 5539 crore company. His journey from a small village snack shop to a nationwide brand exemplifies the power of perseverance and quality.
Bipin Hadwani, Chairman of Gopal Snacks, proves that achieving dreams doesn't necessarily need significant capital or a well-known name. Thirty-four years ago, he borrowed Rs 4500 from his father to start a small venture. Today, that modest business has transformed into a Rs 5539 crore enterprise. His journey is an inspiration to anyone who aspires to achieve great things with limited resources.
Bipin Hadwani was born into a modest family in Gujarat. His father ran a small snack shop in the village and sold snacks from a bicycle. Despite their ordinary financial circumstances, his father dreamed of his son achieving something remarkable alongside his education. From a young age, Bipin assisted his father, working at the snack shop after school.
Borrowing money
In 1990, Bipin borrowed Rs 4500 from his father to start a business. His father believed that Bipin would spend the money in the city and abandon his entrepreneurial dreams. However, Bipin surprised him by starting a snack business in partnership. At the outset, he sold small items, with a strong focus on ensuring the quality of his products.
Starting the business
Four years later, in 1994, Bipin decided to end the partnership. He received Rs 2.5 lakhs as his share and chose to venture out on his own. That same year, Bipin and his wife, Daksha, founded "Gopal Snacks" from their home, specialising in traditional snacks. In the early days, Bipin would deliver the snacks on his bicycle, travelling the streets of Rajkot to reach customers. Slowly but surely, the demand for his products began to grow.
Bipin never compromised on the quality of his products. The purity and taste of his snacks quickly won the hearts of customers. The positive response from the local market boosted his confidence, and he decided to expand his business further.
Business success
Bipin Hadwani moved beyond traditional methods by embracing modern machinery and technology. He adopted new techniques for large-scale production and marketing, enabling him to expand his business beyond the small markets of Rajkot. His efforts took Gopal Snacks from Gujarat to a nationwide presence. Today, Gopal Snacks stands as India's fourth-largest traditional snack brand. Its products are not only available across India but also internationally. The company now boasts a net worth of Rs 5539 crore.
Last Updated Jan 9, 2025, 11:29 AM IST