Vallabhbhai Patel, hailing from a small village in Bhavnagar district, Gujarat, attended school only up to class 4. While supporting his family with farming, he ventured into small businesses. Although he faced setbacks in the initial days, he persevered to grow his business. Today, he is a skilled expert in diamond cutting and polishing, and his company, 'Kiran Gems,' is one of the largest diamond manufacturers in India. 


Despite the challenges, he began working in diamond cutting business in 1971. With a background in farming, he spent the monsoon seasons working on the family farm. After seven years in a diamond workshop, he decided to start his own business in 1978. Although his first venture did not succeed, he continued to pursue his entrepreneurial goals.

Journey of Kiran Gems

Kiran Gems was established in 1985. At the time, Vallabhbhai Patel faced significant losses, but with his father's support, he managed to overcome these challenges and repay his debts. From that point, his business began to thrive. His brother, Mavjibhai Patel, a commerce graduate, also played a crucial role in supporting him.

What started as a small venture has grown into a major player in the Indian diamond industry and is now one of the largest diamond cutting companies globally.

A leading businessman

According to reports, Kiran Gems employs around 50,000 people and has established a new township with 1,200 apartments for families. They focus on health and education initiatives. Vallabhbhai Patel believes that education is crucial for personal development and reducing crime. Remarkably, a school accommodating 11,000 students has also been built in Bhavnagar, and a hospital operates in Surat. His company is also one of the highest tax-paying firms in the country.