In the quaint village of Beed, Maharashtra, there lived a young boy named Dadasaheb Bhagat. He dreamed of a life brimming with possibilities and success. Driven by hard work and dedication, he embarked on an extraordinary journey. Leaving his village behind, he headed towards Pune, determined to reshape his destiny. With only limited resources, he began working as an office boy at Narayan Murthy's Infosys, earning a modest Rs 9,000. However, his perseverance and hope laid the groundwork for an incredible transformation.

Background and education

Dadasaheb had completed only his schooling, yet he bravely ventured to Pune, leaving behind the limited resources of his village. Coming from a humble background, his family was engaged in agriculture, and he had studied until class 10.

Dadasaheb Bhagat's First Startup

Meanwhile, he enrolled in a diploma course at the Industrial Training Institute (ITI). With this qualification in hand, he began working at Infosys's guest house, marking the start of his entrepreneurial journey. He later founded his first startup, Ninthmotion, and quickly expanded his reach to serve around 6,000 clients globally, including the renowned 9XM music channel.

A Journey of Design and Creativity

Dadasaheb's story took an exciting turn when he delved into Python and C++. During this period, he was a pivotal member of a graphic design firm. Inspired by his experiences, he came up with a groundbreaking idea, a library of reusable templates that he could sell online. This innovative concept quickly garnered attention, and he became a trailblazer in India with an initiative similar to Canva.


Then one day, fate dealt Dadasaheb a cruel blow when he suffered a horrific car accident that left him bedridden. However, he refused to surrender to despair. Instead, he saw this challenging time as a valuable opportunity for growth. Determined to pursue his true passion, he chose to leave his job and focus on creating a design library, which ultimately led to the conceptualisation of Ninthmotion.

Dadasaheb Bhagat's Success 

Ninthmotion not only disrupted the industry but also equipped Dadasaheb with an impressive customer base, featuring prestigious clients like BBC Studios and 9XM. His journey demonstrated that with passion and unwavering determination, one can carve their own destiny, even in the face of adversity. His second startup 'DooGraphics' is also gaining significant success.

Dadasaheb Bhagat's story is truly inspiring, illustrating how extraordinary dreams can emerge from humble beginnings. His hard work, dedication, and unique vision not only led to his personal success but also established him as a role model for many. Today, Dadasaheb Bhagat is celebrated as a successful entrepreneur. He began his journey as an office boy at Narayan Murthy's office and has since built his own thriving business.