DSP Santosh Kumar Patel's journey is nothing short of extraordinary. Hailing from a small village in Madhya Pradesh, he studied by the dim glow of a kerosene lamp and worked tirelessly, carrying bricks to earn just enough for two meals a day. Despite these formidable challenges, he achieved the 22nd rank in the MPPSC. His story stands as a powerful testament to resilience and determination, highlighting his remarkable path from hardship to success.

Facing challenges

Santosh Kumar Patel hailes from Devgaon village in Madhya Pradesh. He faced a tough choice early in his life: either work as a construction worker like his father or try to get an education. He needed to help support his family but also wanted to learn. With the support and advice of his hardworking parents, he decided to follow his dream of education.

Triumph over poverty

Thanks to his relentless determination and hard work, he achieved his dream of becoming a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP). Despite facing limited resources and poverty, he overcame incredible odds to reach his goal.

Life's struggles

There was a time when this family could barely afford a square meal. In an interview with The Better India, 31-year-old DCP Santosh Patel reflected on his childhood, sharing that their meals were often very basic. On good days, they had rice, while on others, they just ate porridge. When wheat was unavailable, they ate jowar rotis, and he sometimes had to borrow wheat rotis from friends at school. Despite facing poverty early on, Santosh learned the value of hard work from his father, a mason, and his mother, an agricultural labourer.

Working with father

Santosh Kumar Patel frequently helped his father with his masonry work, accompanying him as a labourer wherever he went. While his father laid bricks, Santosh carried them. He also supported his mother in the fields. Despite his parents’ concerns for his safety, Santosh was more worried about their well-being.

Santosh shared that his father used to dig wells in the village during the summer months, a dangerous job that few masons would take on. Often, while working inside the wells, stones would fall on him. Reflecting on his father's hardships, an emotional Santosh noted that his parents were deeply worried about his future.

Family's constant support

His parents dreamed of a brighter future for their son and were determined for him to receive a good education. They continuously encouraged him to study. Driven by their support and his own relentless determination, Santosh studied by the faint light of a kerosene lamp. His hard work paid off when he achieved top ranks in his class 10 exams, thanks to the unyielding efforts of his parents.

MPPSC success

Santosh continued his engineering studies before deciding to pursue a career in the police force. After 15 months of preparation, he passed the MPPSC exam in July 2017 with the 22nd rank. By 2018, he had officially joined the police force. Committed to serving the public and enhancing the police’s reputation, Santosh believes that only criminals should fear the police. In his role, he is dedicated to ensuring that innocent people are never wrongly imprisoned.