Facing financial difficulties, Ashfaque Chunawala worked part-time for Rs 1,800 a month while continuing his studies. Inspired by a taxi company's billboard promising earnings of up to Rs 1 lakh per month, he vowed never to settle for a job that confined him to a cash counter. After much struggle, he achieved his dream and founded Jibz India Systems Private Limited. Today, his company operates a fleet of over 500 vehicles, employs more than 1,000 people, and boasts a turnover of Rs 65 crore.


Born in 1990 in Mumbai, Ashfaq Chunawala grew up in a family that faced financial instability after separating from an extended family setup. He lived in a small room with his parents and four sisters, experiencing financial hardship from a young age.

Part-Time Job

Ashfaque completed his class 10 at a night school before enrolling in college, where he also helped his father with his business. Although he appreciated the college environment, financial constraints limited his ability to fully engage in activities with friends. To manage his expenses, he took up a part-time job that paid Rs 1,800 a month.

Job at a call centre

Ashfaque's initial job was at a mall, where he folded and stacked clothes. After three months, he secured a permanent position with a salary of Rs 3,000. Encouraged by his sister to complete his class 12, this achievement marked a significant turning point in his life. He then joined a call centre, where his salary increased to Rs 4,000. During this period, his marriage was arranged. The added responsibilities of marriage led him to believe that his dreams were slipping away.

Working with Uber

One day, Ashfaque saw a billboard from a taxi company that promised earnings of up to Rs 1 lakh per month. This sparked his decision to start driving for Uber. He took out a loan from the bank to purchase his first car and began working nights after his day job. Over time, he hired a driver for his car and then another, operating the vehicle in two shifts and gradually expanding his business.

Jibz India

After some time, Ashfaque received a significant offer from Uber, which propelled his business to new heights. He began managing a fleet of 100 cars and gradually built his company into a prominent brand, and named it 'Jibz India'.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ashfaque's company played a crucial role in delivering COVID-19 test samples. This not only provided an opportunity for expansion but also enabled him to employ over 1,000 people. With a loan from SBI, he expanded his fleet to over 500 vehicles, and his company now boasts a turnover of Rs 65 crore.