Highlights: A student's academic journey, personal development, and career development are all impacted by choosing the right university. Before beginning their search for a college, Pranav Gupta, Founder of Ashoka University and Plaksha University, recommends knowing their interests, goals, and preferred environment. Find out about campus visits, finances, scholarships, and websites. Find out about college fairs, guidebooks, and college fairs. It is important to trust your instincts when choosing a university. The right university will offer you quality education, personal development, and a chance to reach your goals.

Right Approach to choosing a university

Choosing a university is one of the most important decisions a student can make in their academic journey. A university can offer not only academic opportunities, but also personal growth, cultural diversity and career development. However, finding the dream university for a student can be challenging, as there are many factors to consider and many options to explore. Pranav Gupta Founder of Ashoka University and Plaksha University has some advice for students who are beginning their search for the ideal university. “First and foremost, it is important for students to know what they want,” addresses Gupta. “What are their interests and passions? What do they want to study? What kind of environment do they thrive in? What kind of extracurricular activities and social opportunities do they want to participate in? These are all important questions to ask before they begin their search.”

A student should identify their academic goals and know what they want to achieve before starting to look at higher education institutions. This will help narrow down the search and find universities that are a good fit for their goals. A student should seek universities that align with their personal preferences and values, as well as offer opportunities for personal growth and development. Once the goals are set, it is time to start researching the options and analyze programmes or degrees that align with the interests. Other factors such as location, campus culture and extracurricular activities are also necessary to consider at this point.


Pranav Gupta recommends doing the research properly before making a decision. “There are so many resources available these days to find the right university,” he says. “Use websites and guidebooks to learn about different universities and their programmes. Attend college fairs and speak with representatives from different schools and institutions. If possible, reach out to current students or alumni to get their perspective. It is unwise to choose a university just because it is popular. It is easy to get caught up in the hype of attending a top-ranked university, but remember that rankings aren't everything.”

Evaluating Admission options

Visiting campuses is also a vital part of the university selection process. It helps prospective students to get a sense of the campus culture and determine if it is a suitable match for them. Apart from this, finances play a major role when choosing a university. A student should evaluate their financial situation and options, focusing on different scholarships, grants, loans etc that can be available for them.  Pranav Gupta of Ashoka University suggests, “Look for universities that offer financial aid or scholarships that can help offset the cost of tuition. The students need to plan their budget as per tuition, fees, housing and other expenses. It is essential to look for universities that fit their financial situation so that it doesn’t put any financial burden on them later.”

Finding the dream university for a student is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either. By following a proper strategy, a student can narrow down their choices and find the best fit for them. A dream university is not only a place where a student can learn, but also where they can grow, thrive and achieve their goals.


According to Gupta, one should trust one's instincts in order to find the university of one's dreams. Finding a university is not easy, but it is always worth it in the end. At the end of the day, it is all about going with your gut.” “By knowing what you want, doing your research, you will be able to tell when you have found the right university. I would like to suggest to potential students that they should trust themselves and do not be afraid to take a chance on a college or university that feels like the perfect fit for them," concludes Pranav Gupta, the founder of Ashoka University.