India's telecommunications landscape is set for a transformation with the implementation of the Telecommunications Act 2023, replacing outdated laws dating back to the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Key Provisions Coming into Force
From June 26, 2024, several crucial sections of the Telecommunications Act 2023 will be enforced. These provisions aim to accommodate modern advancements in the telecom sector, enhancing regulatory capabilities.

Limits on SIM Cards and Penalties
Under the new law, individuals across most of India can register a maximum of nine SIM cards under their name. However, residents in Jammu and Kashmir or the Northeast are restricted to six SIM cards. Violators exceeding these limits face fines starting from Rs 50,000 for the first offense, escalating to Rs 2 lakh for subsequent breaches.

Strict Penalties for Fraudulent SIM Card Acquisition
Acquiring SIM cards using deceptive methods or falsified identification documents carries severe penalties. Offenders may face up to three years in prison, fines up to Rs 50 lakh, or both, emphasizing the importance of truthful registration.

Government Oversight and Security Measures
The Telecommunications Act 2023 empowers the government to take control of telecommunication services or networks when national security or international relations are at stake, especially during wartime. Additionally, authorities can intercept communications during emergencies to manage and mitigate potential threats.

Protection and Surveillance Exemptions for Journalists
While accredited journalists are exempt from surveillance for routine news reporting, their communications may be monitored if deemed a threat to national security. This provision balances freedom of the press with national security interests, ensuring responsible journalism practices.

The new regulations also allow telecom companies to install infrastructure on private properties, even against landowners' objections if deemed necessary by authorities. Non-compliance with consumer consent regulations for commercial messages can lead to hefty fines and service restrictions for telecom operators.

Overall, the Telecommunications Act 2023 marks a significant step towards modernizing India's telecom regulations, aligning them with contemporary technological advancements and national security imperatives.