In a small town in Uttar Pradesh, chaos ensued when a ten-foot crocodile emerged from a nearby canal. Residents were startled as the massive reptile attempted to scale a barrier close to the canal. The incident took place near Narora Ghat in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh.

Prompt action was taken by the forest department and police upon being alerted by the locals. They quickly arrived to capture the crocodile, which was seen struggling to return to the safety of the river. Despite its efforts, the crocodile failed to climb the barrier and ended up on the ground, trying to escape.

Forest officials used a towel to cover the crocodile's head and carefully bound its limbs to prevent any harm during the rescue operation. Videos captured the tense moments as ropes were tied around its legs and jaws while officers cautiously approached the reptile.

Thanks to the efforts of Forest Range Officer Mohit Chaudhary and rescue specialist Pawan Kumar, the crocodile, identified as a female, was successfully rescued. It was later released into the PLGC canal, deemed a suitable habitat for the creature.

The incident garnered attention on social media, with a video of the rescue operation receiving over 155,600 views. Many expressed relief that no one was harmed by the crocodile's unexpected appearance.

Overall, the swift response from authorities ensured the safe capture and relocation of the crocodile, averting any potential danger to the residents of the town.

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