In Aluva, Kerala, a 73-year-old man named Madhu rescued puppies stranded at the Sree Mahadeva Temple amid severe flooding. Despite the challenging conditions brought on by the heavy rain and waterlogged streets, Madhu took it upon himself to help the vulnerable animals find a safer refuge. 

The touching moment was captured by photojournalist Sanesh, who shared a heartwarming video on X showing Madhu gently carrying the puppies through the flooded area. Dressed in a cloth-covered head and dhoti, the elderly man carefully rescued the puppies from the temple grounds to a more secure location, demonstrating his deep concern for their well-being.

The video, which shows Madhu rescuing the puppies, has garnered attention online. It showcases the elderly man’s deep concern for the puppies’ well-being.

According to a report from the news agency PTI, the intense weather conditions affecting central and northern Kerala have led to significant damage and destruction. The report highlighted that the Sree Mahadeva Temple in Aluva was waterlogged after the Periyar River overflowed as a result of heavy rainfall in Kochi. Due to the rain, even the renowned Lord Shiva temple in Aluva became completely waterlogged.